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Sunday 26 February 2012

Should I Spay or Neuter?

          The answer is obvious to most but the reason raises concerns.  The reason to "Yes" you should spay or neuter is because there are millions of dogs euthanized every year.  Why this happens is because people have not thought out the process of purchasing a pet and that of the cost.  Some people think it is unfair to deny a dog of its fundamental duty of reproduction especially with the males.  Some can't afford to spay or neuter thus they should not be in the market for a dog in the first place.
        There are more reasons though that one should consider.  A male is more aggressive when he is defending his property and can attack other dogs, children, delivery people at the least of provocation.  All dogs can be aggressive without warning.  In our town a girl was petting a family friend's Cocker Spaniel when it lunged and almost tore the young girl's face off.  The dog had no previous history of this behavior.
        You are compounding this by keeping the family jewels attached and unless you are a responsible breeder the liability could bankrupt you.
         Dogs will when, not neutered, mark territory.  This means bed posts, coffee tables, Christmas trees and a host of corners both in your home but also the homes you visit.  Embarassing to say the least.
         Females who are not spayed will, believe it or not, mark territory as efficiently as their male counterparts.  When I take my dogs for a walk the females will mark poles, atop of the other females marking within the pack. Believe me when I say the females are as prolific as males when marking territory.
         Some argue weight gain as a reason to avoid neutering or spaying. For your health this is as good a reason to take several walks per day to keep you and your pet trim and fit.
         Females have another issue that all females have and that is a monthly.   O.K., in dogs it is once every 9 months.  Menstruation lasts up to 2 weeks and the flow can be quite pronounced regardless of size of dog.  This can be messy if your dog is an indoor variety
.       Females also attract males from miles around during their heat and may result in an unwanted breeding with an undesired male suitor.
        So do yourself and your dog a favor and within 6 months of birth have him or her fixed.  They become more docile as their sex drive takes a nose dive and you will have less headaches and be contributing to the reduction of the over population of unwanted pets in the pound.

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