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Thursday 24 May 2012

Lying down, crawling, You're Busted!

The treat is the most effective tool when it comes to training a dog.  Be warned that the treat should not be given regardless of whether the pup performs the trick or not.  Do not confuse the dog.  He will want to please so realize that often a pup gets excited when food is present.  This will wain as he grows but nip it in the bud by being assertive and ensure that he behaves the way you want him.  Rewarding the wrong behavior only goes to re-enforce it and now undoing that process becomes another challenge.

Once the dog can sit then simply show the treat and draw your hand away and down toward the floor until he is lying down.  Again continue to use the command "Lie Down" as your perform the process.

Once he has that mastered, try getting him to lay down then pull the treat away from him towards you and say "Crawl" or Sneak up on it", either command will suffice.  eventually with practice you can have him lay down and sneak up on a ball place a short distance away and then reward him with a treat.

To teach a dog to heal works in the same manner.  Make sure you bring ample of bite size treats with you on your walk.  Use the word "heel", and hold the treat close to your hip and when he positions himself by your hip let him have the treat.

A fun trick is holding a treat against a wall in your house, high enough for the dog to stand on his hind legs and place his front paws onto the wall.  Say "Your Busted" when he does it.  After a while, hold back giving the dog the treat until you pat him down, and say something like "Quick hide the evidence" and then give him the reward.

I had a poodle cross the performed this trick so well that I would just say "Your Busted" and she would find any wall simply for the reward.

Dogs are not stupid.  I have mentioned how I have trained Chevy to bring in the mail and the paper.
He surprised me the other day when we returned home and the paper was on the pathway wrapped in a plastic bag.  Chevy didn't hesitate, he went for the paper and dragged it inside without being asked because he knew what was coming at the end of the trick.

He has also learned that the recycle bin has, you got it, newspapers in it , and often he will try to pull one out in exchange for that treat.
So I think you will be pleasantly surprised by your dog's own creativity and craftiness.

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